Friday, March 28, 2008

Saving Creation One Squirrel at a Time

Before I get to my heroism, I wanted to make a quick comment about deer which I neglected. Prior to the cold/snow snap ushered in on Good Friday, I had started to notice deer everywhere. Now living in Wisconsin, this seems like I am making a big deal of this, but the deer weren't dead, and they were just hanging out, and I saw them all of the time. To be honest, it was kind of eerie.

Now, to saving the squirrels. I take a lovely, winding scenic route along the lake every day. Yesterday, on my way to work, I saw a squirrel contemplating crossing the street. So, I was intent on watching the squirrel to make sure that I didn't run him over. He decided to stay perched on the curb. Unfortunately, by watching the squirrel, this meant that I wasn't watching the road ahead of me, or the turkeys who actually were crossing the street. Thankfully, I had abandoned my watchful vigilance of the squirrel in enough time to successfully avoid killing the turkeys though they did feel I cut it too close due to their glares. Let me tell you, it is intimidating looking a scared and ticked off turkey in the eye.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Sometimes in life, something so great happens, that you feel as if all of the stars are aligned just for you. This is the sensation I had yesterday at the grocery store. I headed to the grocery after work to pick up some chicken, a roll and oranges; I quickly got my items and started scanning for the shortest line. I ended up having to go to the line the farthest away, but while the last few items of the customer in front of me were being scanned, I took in my surroundings. And what an incredible site I saw.

“When did we get a red box?” I loudly exclaimed with ecstasy.

The cashier nonchalantly replied, “It has been here for a week.”

Thus ensued a conversation with the bagger, cashier, fellow customer and myself about how beautiful a thing the red box is. Since you might not have been introduced to this gem, let me acquaint you.

Red Box is a DVD rental vending machine. It makes me remember back to the days when Red Owl had a video vending machine, back when the Red Owl was pretty much the only thing Hartland had. I first was introduced to Red (my pet name for her) in Portland while visiting my sister. The concept is brilliant. This lovely little red box has 200 different movies in her. You go to her screen, pick a movie, scan your credit card, and you have a date with a new (or older) release until 9 P.M. the next night. And let me tell you, she is a cheap date at only $1. But, it gets better. Let’s say you really want a certain movie, you just go online, and reserve it at your respective Red and it’s waiting for you.

Now I am sure that some of you soothsayers are trumpeting the drawbacks and hidden pitfalls. Let me assuage your fears. Fear #1: Late fees – There are none, if you keep it another night, you just get charged another dollar. No worries, you have paid more to rent a DVD than $2 before. Fear #2: You don’t watch the movie, and your money is wasted – Let us be realistic, you have thrown away a dollar for less. Fear #3: It is inconvenient – Not for me, I just take a 1 minute jaunt to the grocery store; however, where my sister lives, Red gets around and hangs out at every McDonalds. Plus, you don’t have to return the movie to the same Red. Fear #4: This is an attempt at world domination - Okay, possibly, but the movies are only a dollar! Fears #5, #6, & #7 – Give me a break, you know this is wonderful. I went to the website today and got a free rental.

I glided out of the grocery and within minutes had alerted both my mother and sister to the joyous news. As I drove home, I knew that at least for this moment, all was well.

Monday, March 24, 2008

World's Cutest Nephew

Let me prove it, and can I just say his baptism picture with his sweater vest is even cuter!
I'll be there in 19 days!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Welcome to Wisconsin

Only here, when spring is just around the corner, will there be a snowstorm on the first day of spring break!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Crappy Morning

I subbed today. So, after the call just before 6, I started getting ready for the day. I was totally prepared – snacks, books, all my letters of recommendation and job search info. I placed them all in my bag and headed out.

I got to the school and was ready to go for the first class. Once I got them started on their assignment, I decided to grab one of my books to read and my extra special morning drink. I pulled the book out of my bag and after placing it on the podium, realized that the book was wet. I thought it was just a fluke, so I wiped down the podium. However, I then realized that it was too much liquid and stickiness for a fluke. I looked at my nalgene and realized that there was 2 ounces missing, the cap was wet, and recalled I had only taken a single sip.

Crap! I headed back to my bag to see the damage. I took out everything from my bag and began wiping off the liquid that wasn’t absorbed. I became more and more annoyed as I looked at the results. I know you are probably wondering what the big deal was, I mean, come on, it wasn’t that much liquid. The problem wasn’t the amount, the problem was my extra special liquid – pomegranate and blueberry juice. Purple was everywhere. Let me remind you what I had in my bag. 1) All my letters of recommendation for my never ending job search. B) Two library books.

I now was faced with the agony that I have to go to the library (let me remind you of my issues with the library regarding internet users and the librarian who hates me) and ask what I should do about their purple books – one was on loan from another library. If I wanted to purchase the books, I would not have gone to the library. I am not going to even start on the letters of recommendation except to say that I just decided I wouldn't take a day off from filling out applications.

With everything taken out of the bag and wiped down, I took a deep breath and looked down – at my white shirt. The joy never ends.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How I Woke Up This Morning

First of all I need to start with a brief history. Marty came to our family the summer of '94. Having been harassed by a crow, we found Marty in a tree. He hissed at us when we grabbed him, but soon found our front porch equipped with a milk crate for a home. He was just a kitten, and a cute, incredibly soft one at that. He had meandered his way from the farm, and despite my dad telling us not to feed it, we did. He also told us not to bring the little guy in the house, but we did; and, after giving fleas to our dogs, it was decided that he needed to become an official part of the family to prevent another outbreak. Next, he was stretching and scratching upon the couch, so he got declawed; then, finding him in a compromising position, he got neutered. The cat acts like a prince, even more so since the princess has left. He makes my dad look like he isn't spoiled.

My mom and Marty have a good relationship. He knows to leave her alone. If he comes up by her head while she is sleeping, she throws him to the bottom of the bed; if he is sleeping by her feet, she kicks him. My dad and Marty have become incredibly tight, especially after the other hairy beast left for Portland. Marty will sit all night in my dad's lap, and he often lays on my dad's chest while in bed. Likewise, the two begin the morning together in the bathroom getting ready for the day and then have breakfast together. My dad is like clockwork, and Marty truly appreciates his consistency.

My parents are gone for the week, so I am taking care of the hairy guy. Since Marty is used to having a lot of attention, I now have to provide it. One problem, however, is the fact that I am mildly allergic to the little terror, which I think makes him love me more. The last time I spent the night at my parents, he slept with me, on the small of my back! On Sunday, he spent the whole afternoon and night laying in my lap or on my chest (I was in my dad's chair) and pawing/petting my face to show his love. Last night, he wasn't nearly as affectionate, so I figured I had given him sufficient love or given him enough attitude that he knew I shouldn't be messed with - I get crabby when my allergies act up. So, we went to bed, like the night and morning before, I could always feel him hovering around me, but he thankfully nestled in and we went to sleep.

Marty obviously thought that he had given me a significant amount of time to realize that in addition to giving him food, water, pepperoni, and my complete attention, I needed to provide those on his time frame. When my dad is home, he gets up at 6 and begins his morning immediately by giving Marty a ton of affection. Marty, I think, thought he was being benevolent when he waited till 6:10 to start pawing/poking my face. Who needs an alarm clock when you have a cat from hell? I uncovered my head and told him no. I went back to sleep, but every time my snooze went off or I woke to check the time, that little bastard was just staring at me. He is cute, but I don't want to wake up to that face staring a hole into my head as he glares at me, telling me I need to get up, feed him, and love him.

Friday, March 7, 2008

It's Coming

I heard birds chirping on Sunday, and then I heard them again on Wednesday. There is hope that spring is on its way, even if the snow piles still abound.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Is it True? Addendum: I guess it is

I know there is talk of dirty bombs in South America and missiles in the Middle East. But Wisconsin is dealing with its own explosion right now; and, sadly, it will garner way more news coverage here. News agencies are reporting that Brett Favre has retired. For those who aren't football fans and Wisconsinites, you probably won't understand how colossal this is. Wisconsin loves Brett Favre. Every year, the news is broken down into four seasons: talking about the upcoming season, football season, rehashing the season and wondering if Brett Favre is retiring, and the dead time between when no one really watches the news because it has nothing to do with the Packers.

At the last game I attended, I was talking to a Vikings fan, he made it explicitly clear: Many Wisconsinites see Brett Favre as a deity. I don't mean to be sacrilegious - even though the football game has become the key aspect of Sundays for many a family, but Brett Favre has been in Green Bay for 16 years. Most of my life has occurred while Brett Favre has been the leading quarterback of the Packers. In addition, Brett Favre is the only quarterback that people 20 or under know; and, probably for some, the only quarterback that people under 30 want to acknowledge.

So, we wait to find out if it is true. We wait to find out if it is because of Randy Moss. We wait to find out if he will go out like a hero. We wait.

Addendum: I guess the waiting is over, Ted Thompson has announced that Favre intends to retire. So, now it is just the crap of poorly handled news.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Injured Proving Yourself Wrong

Actually I wasn't injured proving myself wrong as much as being stupid, but I really wanted to use the movie quote. The other day I was happily watching a movie on the couch when I suddenly realized that it was time to switch activities - naturally to go to bed. Thus, being really happy about the prospect of my bed, I jumped up exuberantly.

Somehow, and I am not quite sure on the details, I got a little stab of pain in my frantic activity and noticed that I had somehow cut my heel. First thought: wow, I am an idiot. Second thought: How did it happen? Third thought: Because you're an idiot. Fourth thought: I wonder if this means that I won't have to workout due to my new injury. I probably can't wear shoes. So maybe I'll have to go on the Pilates circuit for a bit. Fifth thought: Maybe I should check out how bad this is.

I went to the bathroom to wash off the blood, which by this point is doing an unhealthy stream. I clean it up and then hobble downstairs for a band-aid. The key thing that I realized though while trying to bend my body to take care of the heel is that Pilates is probably out of the question, but really needed, since taking care of the injury has led to a high level of discomfort in twisting and contorting my body.

The injury wasn't so bad once it had the padding of the band-aid. And I am happy to report that either by the fact that I have gone to work out a few times in the last week or I just have gotten used to contorting my body, I can now take care of my heel wound with no discomfort.