Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Blog Length

Anyone who knows me, knows that I used to journal religiously. My room in my parents' house is filled with journals. However, the older I got, the less I wrote. I don't think it is because I had less important things happening in my life, but rather I did not have the same pressing need to document my life.

As I reflect, I think the main reason I still continue to journal is that it is therapeutic. It is not that I have more going on in my head or life then most people, actually it is probably less; but, rather it is the way I process through everything that is going on in my life. I come to the point where the only way I can remain sane is if I get all of my thoughts out of my head, if only for one brief moment.

So, as one who needs to write out my thoughts, what is the appropriate length for a blog entry? Is there some sort of etiquette in regards to length? Or is there just the realistic knowledge that people will tune out after a few paragraphs?


mjonthemove said...

It's your blog. Write as much as you want. I try to incorporate pictures as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

i don't know who mjonthemove is, but i think its really neat that he figured out how to put his picture there, assuming that is a picture of himself.

tpy said...

Just like sentences in a well constructed essay, a well constructed blog will have posts of various lengths, says I. A post, like a sentence, should only be as long as it takes to get the point across.

How's that for overwrought?