Thursday, May 31, 2007

Officially Summer

Although there are differing opinions as to when summer starts, I have decided that it is officially summer in Wisconsin. Why? It wasn't having corn on the cob on Memorial Day or the recent warm days we have had, but the fact that I experienced my first mosquito bite last night.

Summer is here. I love summer in Wisconsin - brats, the drive-in, corn, camping, Bocce ball and croquet, the Fourth of July at the lakefront, lakes and boats in every direction, sleeping with a fan on and the windows open, the sudden appearance of people everywhere out on bikes or walking, the different pace of life, the long days, and lightning bugs dancing on the corn stalks in a farmer's field. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

let's not forget the farmer's market. also, i made my blog public so you could read it. also, i invited you to be able to read it. let me know if either of those work. i'd like to make it hidden again, but not if you can't get to it.

Tom said...

In the last couple of years, Summer has meant:
no school, fishing opener, wedding season, tourism season, 112 degree weather, going to bed before the sun goes down. No matter what, my summers have meant moving forward in some way or another.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe you actually read all of my stuff. you must have been bored. (thanks for thinking of chandra levy - thanks to wikipedia i now know that the senetor was gary condit). did you get a chance to see any of my serious ones? my last one was in jan. i just haven't been writing much. i'm trying to get started again, but nothing too profound comes to me. sometimes i think i'm losing it. (my fine motor skills are off right now. so this took way too long to type.)

tpy said...

In college, summer meant I could play Ultimate barefoot (which some years ran March-December).