Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy cows live in Wisconsin

I just had the sharpest cheese ever. It was fine, Wisconsin quality that still is stimulating my taste buds. As a true Wisconsin girl, I love cheese. The commercials citing that "Great cheese comes from happy cows" and implies that cows can only be happy in California, really get me mad. One problem I have with the commercials is that they tend to be really funny, and I swing violently from hysterical laughter to bitterness and frustration (for example at http://www.realcaliforniacheese.com/; then choose Happy Cow TV and Alarm Clock). Thankfully, I may laugh all I want while I continue to buy Wisconsin cheese. Besides, since I have for almost the entirety of my life lived by a farm, I know that the cows never look sad to me and always cause me to smile.


Anonymous said...

don't worry al. its only treatments of lyposuction, plastic surgery, botox, and overexposure to sunshine that makes those cows appear happy. they do not know what true midwest happiness and contentedness is. that is why your aged sharp cheddar cheese tingles your tastebuds and california sells all of its cheese to crappy kraft. (i don't know if that last statement is true or if i just want it to be true.)

Jen said...

I completely agree. Poor Mike has to listen to me yell at tv every time the ads come on. It must be a family thing. The only cheese is from WI