Tuesday, July 3, 2007

10 Year Reunion

I just got an evite for my 10 year reunion. Only a school that graduated 69 would attempt an evite. I actually laughed because this is the second try at a reunion. The first reunion was going to be July 21st, and it was changed because (I assume) not many of us check the website under alumni relations to find out if we are having a reunion. I only heard about it when a friend sent me a message expressing her lack of enthusiasm for such a blessed gathering of old friends.

I mean have you ever heard of not sending invitations to a reunion? Other people who graduated from public schools had their invitations months ago. Plus, only like 30 names are on the list for the reunion as far as I could see. I know we had some marriages in our class, but come on. The funny thing is, I can think of at least 12 people with little effort who have a close connection with school in the last 3 years (sibling still attends school, family member works there, he or she worked there). There are 40% of the names on the list. Okay, I need to just breathe before I really get worked up at this asinine attempt at a reunion.


Tom said...

I never thought of Heritage as being so confident in the reliability of technology to make it the sole form of communication.

just me said...

i'll go if you go.

just me said...

and tom, you really need to work on your impulsive double, triple, and possibly even quadruple clicking.

Tom said...

its actually the back button, and yes.

AL said...

Okay, I deleted Tom's triple comment. The good thing is Tom explained to us why it happens, I was really perplexed, I just thought he was really trying to make a point of Heritage's inability at computer stuff, I guess KM didn't remedy that:)

mjonthemove said...

I'm heading up Waukesha West's 10-year reunion, and it's on E-vite because my committees and volunteers flopped and I am planning the reunion for 365 by myself. We only have 107 invited. I have to call parents tomorrow to get their kid's e-mail addresses. Not fun.

I didn't even like high school, nor E-vites.