Thursday, July 5, 2007

Warning Signs

I have decided that when you meet somebody, they should come with a sign. I feel this way about boys especially. For instance, possible signs

"I am dating someone."
"I am happily dating someone."
"I'll break your heart."
"I am a commitment freak."
"I drink too much."
"I am too young."
"I'll lie to you."
"I see you as a sister."
"Not interested."
"Interested, but shy."
"Wow, this is awkward."
"You're not my type."
"I'm not myself today."

It would make it so much easier. You would know automatically if the interesting and cute guy is also taken. The chief drawback I see with this is my own signage, "Warning: Highly neurotic. If still interested see attached bookcase for full reference."


Tom said...

People put up signs all the time. It's just a matter of whether they choose the sign or not. For instance "Successful" could also be "Works Too Much." For me, the "Incredible Friend" also meant "Incredible Wife."

just me said...

let's try,
"i won't call you, even if i said i would" or
"i won't ask you out, even though i am interested and so are you" and my personal favorite,
"i would ask you out because you're great, but please loose 20 pounds first because i only ask out women who look perfect. never mind that, i'll just ask someone who looks perfect, but is incredibly high maintenance and treats me like trash"
those would help me personally.

Tom said...

Megan, it's amazing how many guys DO wear that last sign. It's sad.

Unknown said...

Al - That's hilarious - I love it! Signage would be so helpful... I do like Megan's suggested additional signs, too.