Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Flurry of Activity

I have Els coming into town this weekend. I have been in a flurry of activity to get my place clean enough to be inhabitable (sorry Els, it still isn't perfect). Last night I decided that, without a doubt, making the bed is my least favorite endeavor. If I ever get married, he will definitely be in charge of that.

I have also been busy decorating. I decided that after 3 1/2 years at my place that I should maybe hang something besides a calendar on my walls (incidentally, the calendar has at times been two months behind). The various pictures are all along the floor where they might go, I have huge commitment issues, and putting a nail in the wall is a type of permanence that sometimes scares me. What if I don't like it? There will be this huge hole (because it will take me forever to spackle it) demonstrating my failure and/or indecisiveness.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Party Like it is 1999

Earlier this year my Sudoku calendar broke. I was left with a huge chunk attached to the stand and a huge pack of puzzles. As I looked at the date, I thought August 24 was forever away, and now it is here. How does time move so fast and so slow at the same time?

I remember thinking about how 1999 was so far away. The concept of partying like it was 1999 was so ridiculous. Now it is ridiculous because the turn of the century seems like ages ago.

Am I the only one who is grappling with the concept of time?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Free Boxes

Okay, I think I just discovered one of the coolest things ever. Thinking it is so cool highlights how strapped I have been for joy and happy moments of late.

Let me begin by giving some background. Almost a year ago my sister moved cross-country. Since I had read on some of my friends' blogs about the trouble they had finding boxes, I immediately began the hunt. A restaurant was moving in next to where I work, so I went to the restaurant (after seeing tons of boxes in the garbage) and asked them to hold all of their boxes for me.

Since another one of my friends is moving, I went to the restaurant again. He won't have as many boxes as he did when stocking a whole bar, so he gave me a call to tell me that the nearby grocery store had a ton in the foyer. I went over and asked if I could take the boxes. After a call, a customer service rep came to me and directed me to the customer service desk where I can order boxes. I gave them my name and asked for 25 small-to-medium boxes. Not only is it free, but I can pick up the boxes tomorrow. In all the stress of moving, how nice to just go to your local grocery and order the boxes. It is a win-win, they don't throw them away, and my friends can move in boxes that are free.

Long and short of this blog: Do I just leave in a Wonderland or do other grocery stores do this? I have never heard of it.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Okay, last week was celebrity jeopardy week. Along with college and teen week, celebrity jeopardy makes me feel smart. It also really irritates me that they are making so much money (from their celebrity status) and can't even answer some simple questions. I know I am not the smartest person in the world, and intelligence can't be gauged by trivia, but come on.

I think it was the fact that I watched two episodes in a row (yeah, I tape them, I know I am a geek), but I was really ticked during the second one when the Secretary of Education was participating. She just made me feel like I understand why we aren't doing so well in comparison to other countries in regards to education. Plus, it just really annoys me that I am not passing on my knowledge. I want a teaching job!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Update on 24

Okay, we finished the first season of 24. It was pretty incredible. I thought Terry would survive until at least season 2. Guess not.

I must admit that 7 episodes was a little much. The real problem was when Rachel and I realized that we also had 4 more episodes on the DVD. After a panicky call to Els (she first recommended the show to me), we learned that we had the beginnings of season 2. So, what else was there to do but watch the first two episodes and make it a total of 9 for the day?

Thus, I have watched season 1, 4, 5, 6. The real question is if Rachel and I can get in seasons 2 and 3 (Rachel also has to get in 4) before January.

Friday, August 10, 2007

An Exciting New Blog

I have been telling my sister since she became preggers that she had to get a blog to keep us updated on the little bambino. She finally did! One of my girlfriend's from college has one that she updates with her adorable kids, and now, I'll get to see my sister's little one, too!

So, here is their blog if you want to check it out.
And check it often, because I already know if it is a boy or a girl, and they will soon be posting the news. Oh, FYI, it will also be listed on the left.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Rachel and I have been watching the first season of 24. After the first night, we decided four episodes in a row might be a little too much. So, instead of watching less than four in a row, we adjusted our schedule. We watch one, eat during the second, lounge and digest during the third, take a walk between three and four, dessert during number four, and one night we even went for number five. So, we have 7 episodes left - bringing us to deciding we need to complete it this Sunday. We figure we could get 2 episodes in if we skip church, but thought that might be taking our desire for 24 a little too far.

On a sort of side note, every episode in the first season we see someone who is on a different t.v show now. Eli is on Prison Break as the psycho guy. Bob? is a guard on Prison Break and kills the psycho. Random girl driver is Abi on NCIS. Rick's girlfriend/roommate is Ameda from Numbers. Senator Palmer is obviously on The Unit. Oh, and the guy who says there is a conspiracy and gets killed giving the key card to Jack is on The Unit. I like crossover, like how so many from Felicity ended up on Alias. It cracks me up that Alex from Grey's was Mossimo in The Wedding Planner. Wow, I watch way too much t.v. and too many movies.

Side note number two is the fact that Jack/Keifer looks so young on the first season. Rachel and I crack up on the beginning of each episode where Jack says that this is the longest day of his life, because we know that there are 6 seasons so far, so he has at least five more longest days of his life.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

How much for the protractor?

I think I should be banned from OfficeMax during the next month. I just came from there and ended up getting 10 folders and 3 packs of crayons. Now, if I had a teaching job, it wouldn't phase me because these are all things that I should have in my classroom to be prepared for any scenario (i.e. student threatens to slap you, "Would you like a red or yellow crayon?"). It wasn't even the whopping 13 cents that I spent, it is the fact that I don't have a teaching job. Thus, the folders will get added to the artist set I recently bought for my non-existent classroom.

I don't know how I managed it, but the last two times I was in OfficeMax I successfully avoided the filler paper trap - though every fiber of my being was aching for college rule. I love school supplies. I love being in school. I know that makes me a nerd, but I love buying binders, sheet protectors, and pens of all colors for note taking. I still have every single note that I took during my college classes. I hate to admit it, but I have my high school notes.

The school schedule just makes me happy. Weeks off during the summer and Christmas, random days throughout the year for you to connect and re-cooperate. I just wasn't made to work full-time in summer, it is killing me.