Thursday, January 3, 2008

To Join or Not?

I am in a quandary. I don't know if I should join a health club or not. Let me be more honest. I should join a health club or at least make an attempt at exercising, but I wonder if I will follow through and make it worthwhile.

I am thinking that by joining the club, I will at least be more prone to exercise for two major reasons. 1) The exercise facility is indoors, but has variety of the type that is not exercise videos. 2) I will be guilted into exercising because the thought of throwing my money away on something I am not using will really annoy me.

Reasons why I am not prone to exercise at the club or exercise in general: 1) I would probably want to wear shorts, and shaving is such a chore. Plus, I believe there is such a thing known as indecent exposure in a public place. 2) Sitting on my couch eating cookies or ice cream or candy bars is a lot more fun. 3) It isn't that I don't have time, but what time would be best? If I sub, I can't do morning, if I work at UPS, night would be too late. 4) Working out may make me think that I should curb my chocolate consumption to less than a pound a week. That sacrifice would be way too huge. 5) Why should I pay to exercise?

The last question is always the reason why I resist joining. I mean, if I am not motivated to do something healthy, will the guilt really get me to the gym, or will it just make me feel like a failure with a little less money to spend on chocolate? Any suggestions?


Christensen 5 said...

I say join. For me, having a routine was the only thing that got me there. First thing in the morning worked for me as I found I was more tired as the day went on. Let me know what you decide. Luv ya!

Unknown said...

I totally identify with your quandary! But I vote join as well. . . because you're right - you will be way too frustrated with yourself if you don't use your membership and therefore waste your money, so you will thereby FORCE yourself to do what you sort of want to do anyway. As for me, I am contemplating running a mini-marathon! A bunch of us may do it...except I really don't like running all that much...especially in the we'll see.

Anonymous said...

join. find a great workout schedule online that will give you a goal. try or