Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm taking a Snow Day

Yesterday, I decided that I deserved a snow day - all the schools were off, why not me? So, I put in three hours of work and headed to Target. After looking at curtains, cameras, and movies, I headed home. Vehicles were fishtailing all around me, a SUV had plowed a light signal, and the world was covered in white.

What ensued was a relaxing day, typical of what this month has been. Last weekend I went up to the Twin Cities to visit Tom and Katy (Gnorizo and Theophilus) and took Monday to drive back. I had to see the Giants beat the Patriots. I had a great time. I received some book suggestions which I thoroughly enjoyed. The introduction to A Ticket to Ride:Europe was fun. And, although we didn't get to snowshoe, we had a great time catching up. On Saturday, I am flying out to Grand Rapids to see friends. All said and done, it would appear that work is not a priority this month, good thing it is a short one.


Christensen 5 said...

have fun in MI. I am so glad you are having a great month of fun!!

Anonymous said...

don't forget valentines day, my favorite holiday.