Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I'm a Winner, Again

I have a serious problem. I am sometimes a little bit too focused, or my mind is too one-tracked. My latest compulsion has been reading the Princess Diaries series. I was seriously starting to get mad at the library for making me wait so long for the book. Now in retrospect, I know this was unreasonable to get frustrated that the library made me wait a little while for the 6th book in the series. But what was I supposed to do? I had already read the first five books, including the supplemental materials. When I start a book series I just want to finish the whole thing. This is problematic when a) you don't want to pay for the books and b)the books only take hours to read. (I have to admit that since yesterday was a slow work day, I went home once I learned I finally got the sixth book. Four books later I went to bed). The thing that really bothers me is that I will probably finish the already published books in the series by this weekend, meaning I will then have to wait to January for what I think is the last one.

As I left the library yesterday I was thinking that I didn't know how people survived before public libraries, and then I realized that when there weren't public libraries that I probably would have been up to my eyeballs in kids and illiterate.

Okay, as I write this, the library has redeemed itself. Actually, it isn't their fault that other people take too long reading a book, but I want my books faster. They called as I was writing to say I won the reading lottery this week. I have no idea what the movie I won is about, but hey, I am totally cool with free stuff. I have had pretty good luck with winning raffles this year ($500 and a dvd). But in reality, any one of us is a winner who has a library card.


Christensen 5 said...

the library rocks. It really is quite wonderful. You are a bit bipolar about the library though.. or is it the library and the librarians. Have fun with your book. Did you finish it yet? Maybe I need to start the series.

AL said...

Of course I finished it, then I read the book inbetween 6&7, then I read 7, and then I read one of the books between 7&8 and started the other book between 7&8. Trust me, I know I have issues, I am just not a patient person and when it takes me a day to read one book, and they make me wait over a week, it just kills. If you are going to start the series, I suggest you read the first one, if you like it, put all the other books on hold, and start a stack in their order in your living room. That's what I did and though some took longer than others, I always knew which one I was waiting for. I am so sad.

Anonymous said...

the last sentence was a little much for me al.

i scolded my roommate last week for returning a book late that had a hold on it.