Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010 - I ITCH

The craziness began 5th hour when one of my students was pulled out of class. I didn’t find out to lunch what it was about – even though I had my suspicions, and automatically started to feel itchy. LICE! It seems like lice might be going around. Every time I think about lice I think about my sister driving my mom crazy.

My mom is a totally freaked out about lice. I don’t quite know why it scares her so badly. But the story goes that there were lice at my sister’s school when she was in kindergarten. My sister brought home a note from the school talking about how some students had lice and how parents should check for certain signs like itching the head. Well, as soon as my sister heard the word “itching” and “head,” she did what any kindergartener would do, she started scratching her head and my mother started freaking out. She didn’t have lice, but my mom was so paranoid that it didn’t really matter.

The investigation continued and in my 7th hour class, the 8th grade students were taken out one at a time to check. Only Ben got a pass since he has recently sheared off all of his hair. It is funny to see how quickly news spreads in a school. I didn’t say anything about checking for lice when the first few students left, but within seconds of coming back, it was like the whole class knew. It amazes me how quickly they figured out what was going on. How can they pass info like that so quickly?

Scratching our heads and talking about lice has become a fun way to terrorize my mother. I actually can’t wait till I go over to my parents tonight and start scratching my head. I guarantee you that when I tell her that we had lice checks and she sees me scratching my head, she will say to me, “Allison, that is not funny.” I’ll get a good laugh. Right after I take a shower – I seem to be itching everywhere! Maybe the school secretary should check me for lice.


Katy said...

It seemed like we had lice checks all the time in elementary school. Most of my kindergarten class, including me, was sent home with it. My sister, who was cooler and in fifth grade, was so upset with me because she was specially called down to the nurse for a lice check (since a sibling had it) and she had to go home as well. What fun!

Christensen 5 said...

Awesome! I wish I could see Mom's face. Maybe I should start scratching my head after a a few days and tell her she gave it to me. Oh this could be fun. Maybe I can get D to do it too :)