Thursday, June 28, 2007


I hate interviews. I wish they would give you a grade as you left relative to how you did, a comparison to the person before you, and if there was a chance they might be calling you. I leave interviews thinking (sometimes) that they went fine, but I never know if the person before me was great and they just did extra fine. I hate taking time off to go to an interview only to hear absolutely nothing, not even a "thanks for applying, but compared to the other candidates you pretty much sucked. Good luck."

Plus, interviews go so against my nature. I am not a look at me and I will tell you all the great things I do and how great I am kind of girl. I like to have my work stand for itself. However, you need to do the wow-the-audience thing and totally sell yourself in order to get the chance to actually prove yourself. I know countless people who can sell themselves and then just can't do the job.

Mainly this is a tirade. I had an interview today, and I have another one tomorrow.


just me said...

i feel for you. i hate interviews also. i am not good at selling myself either. on a lighter (or heavier, depending on how you look at it) note, i also hate bathing suit season.

Katy said...

I don't like interviews all that much either. I think the worst of it is the weird questions - "so, why would you be a good candidate?" "what are your worst qualities?" (usually not asked like that, but how do you answer honestly without feeling like you are putting yourself in a position to not get hired) etc. And then from there it is the waiting and the awkward quessing of when to call them, how long to wait between phone calls, when to give up . . .

I also really hate bathing suit shopping. I am ok with bathing suit season, but usually end up crying and feeling like a giantess after I try to find a suit. That's why my newest one is from about 3 or 4 years ago.