Sunday, June 10, 2007

Movies and Memories

I recently purchased what Tom said was the greatest movie of all time; yet, it remains on my living room floor still in the cellophane. It isn't that I don't love the movie, but I can't bring myself to watch it.

Movies for me are so closely related to memories. And that movie, RocketMan, means summer and the Boundary Waters. Just like the Star Wars movies bring to mind making homemade pizzas, Peter's basement, going to the re-releases my senior year, and watching one of the new ones in Sweden with all the Norweigans. Monsters Inc. reminds me of England and Spontan. The Usual Suspects is Matty's attic. Jerry Maquire is first date (not the best choice due to the opening scene). Rattle and Hum means philosophy papers on Saturday night. Monty Python evokes countless memories, foremost being Jill and Gery Niess. Spaceballs means taking notes just so the boys would think we were cool. Anything with Sandler or Farley reminds me of Dave and Kristy. Moulin Rouge is Steve telling us it's the greatest movie that we had to watch. The Godfather is Isler family Christmas bonding. Shrek is dining room two on Brad's computer after playing cards, unable to understand Eddie Murphy's accent. The Lord of the Rings is returning home for Christmas break to go with old friends. Sense and Sensibility is Jen.

There are other memories that I associate with movies, though I long forget what movie Els and I saw together on our double date in Muncie. Or the movies we watched at the drive-in every year as celebration upon returning to Taylor. Then there were the trips to the drive-in in Jefferson where tip-it and cards were precursors to the movies I no longer remember or movies I couldn't hear because people were sucking face so loudly.

Sometimes movies can transport me back to an earlier time . . . that is why I still love some, others cause bittersweet reflection, and some I just avoid.


Anonymous said...

1. tom is a little off about the best movie of all time. i'm pretty sure its roman holiday. i took a poll.
2. i know that, at least once, they played rush hour at the jefferson drive-in.
3. certain movies take me back to my early childhood. after that, my mind is able to disassociate the movie from the moment. however, the same is not true with reading the last page of a book, which makes rereads difficult for me.

Anonymous said...

1. tom is a little off about the best movie of all time. i'm pretty sure its roman holiday. i took a poll.
2. i know that, at least once, they played rush hour at the jefferson drive-in.
3. certain movies take me back to my early childhood. after that, my mind is able to disassociate the movie from the moment. however, the same is not true with reading the last page of a book, which makes rereads difficult for me.

Tom said...

Rush Hour 2, Jurassic Park 3, The Incredible Hulk, Planet of the Apes.

All classics.

mjonthemove said...

Ok. I'm late on this post, but as I'm at home recovering from surgery, one thing occurred to me:
1) I must be on some serious drugs because I got all weepy and sentimental when you mentioned the Usual Suspects in Matty's attic.

tpy said...

I can't believe you remembered The Incredible Hulk but forgot 2 Fast 2 Furious. 2 perfect 2 forget.