Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Flurry of Activity

I have Els coming into town this weekend. I have been in a flurry of activity to get my place clean enough to be inhabitable (sorry Els, it still isn't perfect). Last night I decided that, without a doubt, making the bed is my least favorite endeavor. If I ever get married, he will definitely be in charge of that.

I have also been busy decorating. I decided that after 3 1/2 years at my place that I should maybe hang something besides a calendar on my walls (incidentally, the calendar has at times been two months behind). The various pictures are all along the floor where they might go, I have huge commitment issues, and putting a nail in the wall is a type of permanence that sometimes scares me. What if I don't like it? There will be this huge hole (because it will take me forever to spackle it) demonstrating my failure and/or indecisiveness.


Christensen 5 said...

Have a wonderful time with Els. Hang the pictures! You can always cover the hole up if you mess up. I triple dog dare you :)

Kristy said...


If you need help in the deciding process, let me know. I'm also an expert at spackling (?) holes, so I can help you out there as well.