Thursday, August 2, 2007

How much for the protractor?

I think I should be banned from OfficeMax during the next month. I just came from there and ended up getting 10 folders and 3 packs of crayons. Now, if I had a teaching job, it wouldn't phase me because these are all things that I should have in my classroom to be prepared for any scenario (i.e. student threatens to slap you, "Would you like a red or yellow crayon?"). It wasn't even the whopping 13 cents that I spent, it is the fact that I don't have a teaching job. Thus, the folders will get added to the artist set I recently bought for my non-existent classroom.

I don't know how I managed it, but the last two times I was in OfficeMax I successfully avoided the filler paper trap - though every fiber of my being was aching for college rule. I love school supplies. I love being in school. I know that makes me a nerd, but I love buying binders, sheet protectors, and pens of all colors for note taking. I still have every single note that I took during my college classes. I hate to admit it, but I have my high school notes.

The school schedule just makes me happy. Weeks off during the summer and Christmas, random days throughout the year for you to connect and re-cooperate. I just wasn't made to work full-time in summer, it is killing me.


just me said...

i feel your pain. i had to throw out a target add this weekend because it was advertising "back to school" items and i was lusting. now i try to justify trip down back to school lane as "office supplies." but, really, what attorney needs colored pencils and trapperkeeper?

Katy said...

I still have all of my college notes, college books, high school notes, and some middle school notes of high school classes.

It's funny the circle I've gone in concerning school teaching. I started college as an ElEd major with Middle School Emphases in Math and Spanish. At the time, I was working in a Child Development Center for Pre-school aged children. I quickly changed into thinking I would teach Bible, Theology, or Philosophy at the college level. Then, I thought I would teach History at the high school level. then, back to teaching church history at the college level. Then, I worked with 7th-12th graders in youth group. Now, I'm teaching biblical leadership training to 18-30 year olds. In a few weeks, I will be teaching 1st-8th graders in everything. Okay, maybe it's not as much cyclical as it is chaotic.

Tom said...

Sorry, that last one was me, Tom. The computer was still logged in under Katy.