Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Free Time

I am currently subbing for a teacher with a student teacher. This means that I basically have nothing to do all day while the student teacher teaches the class. So I guess I am being paid to catch up on my blog.

3 weeks ago was a pretty stressful time. It was a fun time though since my sister was here and we had baby showers, went to the Packer game, decorated my place a little bit more and just enjoyed being together as a family (we were, however, incomplete since Lucky, Mike and Mike's dog were still in Portland). This is why there was such a huge gap in my blog.

I have, however, finished the really long blog that had kept me from posting so long. It involves customers from hell, it is really long, it took me almost the whole three weeks to get to and type. If you are really bored. I posted it the date of the day after it occured, September 21.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have one student who is basically teacher herself. every m,w,f from 10:35-11:15 i sit at a table next to her. that is my job.