Monday, November 26, 2007

Internet User from Hell and Other Random Notes

I have been doing my Internet stuff from the library of late for various reasons. I am currently checking e-mails, blogs, and catching up. The guy next to me though is trying to kill me. In the last 14 minutes, I have heard at least twenty questions from his mouth to the library lady about all sorts of what I consider asinine questions. She really doesn't have control over the American Airlines website. The great thing about the library is that it should be quiet. All one should hear is the tapping of computer keys and the flipping of pages, not the, "Oh, shoot, " and mumbling that is exiting this man's mouth! Sorry, I know this is a bit of a tirade, but really.

This Thanksgiving weekend was good. We played the annual football game. Not to toot my own horn, but I actually represented myself well on the field - even if I am still sore. I think the older I get the more important I realize stretching is, but the less inclined I am to do it because it makes me feel old. The game was small, but it always amazes me how ten years can change so many things, while a lot of things remain the same. Part of me wonders why we haven't changed, while I am happy that it is like old times.

Quick Internet note: the librarian is now using the other side of the library in a quest to avoid the annoying guy next to me.

For those who wish to know, winter has come to Wisconsin. Although I am not going to soliloquize as long on winter as I long as I have on other seasons, I would like to share that I am excited that winter is here. I feel that it is official since we had the first snow that stuck last Wednesday. In addition, I have always decided, regardless of the weather, that winter commences when the flannel sheets go on the bed. Wednesday night found me eagerly jumping into a bed with flannel sheets.

Winter in Wisconsin I feel is like a contest. I have tried to make this contest one that I can endure with the greatest of ease. This means that I can only do certain things when certain conditions exist. First condition, no flannel sheets to Thanksgiving. Then, a slew of other methods to beat the cold ensue along a marked path: implementation of electronic blanket, use of hot water bottle, and piling of extra down comforter on the bed. Only the coldest nights find all in use, but shivering, I make it through.

My dad the other day (Saturday) asked me if I thought we were going to have one last warm up. I looked at him with incredulously, I don't understand how he didn't get the memo that winter is here. I mean my flannel sheets are on the bed, what more is there to say?

Internet update: Dang it! She got sucked in again. I have to get out of here.


Jill Phillips said...

Thank you for consistently providing humor to my blog reading, Al. You're a riot! "Jilly"

Unknown said...

I thought winter had arrived in El Paso a couple of days ago - when I woke up to 3 inches of SNOW outside! It was delightful. We had a snowball fight and made a snowman, and the mountains were covered. Now it's pretty much gone, but it's put me in a Christmasy mood. =)

Christensen 5 said...

ah the internet at the library. It really can be weird. I have many stories from Oconomowoc. Yours is hysterical. Thanks for making me laugh. I love you.

Anonymous said...

you think the oconomowoc library is something. try the grand rapids public library. the homeless congregate there during the day and use myspace.

Anonymous said...

Not to toot your own horn, are you kidding me!!! You walked away with a pick and touchdown. I didn't even contribute that much to our team. You were an all star out there.