Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cannon Beach

We headed to the beach today.  For me, the beach means swimsuit and warm weather; here, beach means water and sand.  We drove to the beach and took a quick walk on the sand.  We then went for fish and chips.  After lunch we headed back to Portland, but right before we got on the main highway back, we got a extra special surprise, elk!  At first we thought they were fake because they were so perfectly aligned and still, but they were real so we all poured out of the mini van and took some pictures.  

Still no baby . . . 

1 comment:

Jill Phillips said...

Auntie Al,
You rock! You blog while on vacation. Thanks. I keep checking Jen's to see if Baby Christensen has arrived ... when I see no post I assume no baby. Then I torture myself and think MAYBE they're at the hospital?!?! (From the beach pics it's clear, no baby.) Keep up the good work. -Jilly