Monday, August 31, 2009

JOD - Class Lists

Is it important for the teacher to know who is going to be in her class. Apparantly not. I have only seen a class list for two of my classes. The reason I saw the list is because they are not splitting the class. Otherwise, I have no idea who is in what class. Tomorrow will be chaos!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

JOD - Classroom Set up

I was told I could set my classroom up any way I wanted. I spent the morning figuring out the best way to maintain discipline and allow all students to see.

A few hours later, an administrator told me I had to set it up in a different way utilizing all 14 tables and 53 chairs in a u-configuration because my classroom would be used three nights a week for meetings. Getting help from others, I reconfigure my whole classroom again.

A few hours later, another administrator talked to the person using the room at night and learned that they only needed 25 chairs. They still needed the u-configuration - just less tables. I took a little while before leaving for a friend's house to start the third set-up of my room.

Day wasn't bad enough - absolutely not, had to get into a fender bender where the other driver just kept on going.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Alias and the Bible, My Hatred for Target, and J.O.D.

I know I haven't written in a long time, and I am going to go back and post things regarding my vacation and the craziness of my job - I think I will entitle all my job related entries J.O.D. - jackassery of the day). However, I acknowledge some of that might not be coming as soon as I would want, so I am going to do a quick post on other things before it leaves my mind.

I have been sucked into watching tv series on dvd due to recommendations from my friends. I just started watching Alias. I have watched most of the series from when it was actually on t.v., but I know that I missed at least the first season since I was out of the country. I am now realizing how much I missed not seeing the first season, concepts from the show are becoming a lot clearer now that I have the underpinnings; I am starting to see the big picture. It made me think about the Bible, sometimes I think I don't get all of it because I am not Jewish - like it would be clearer if I had understood the first season, but I can't/don't because I don't have that background. It also made me understand how others don't have the complete picture because they haven't watched all of the seasons. I know that as an analogy it is a stretch, but it makes complete sense to me; it also makes me really glad that I decided to watch LOST from the beginning and not jump in the middle of the series - though it is problematic given all of the promos when you are still seasons behind)

Why I hate Target. The idiocy of the place just gets on my nerves. They will charge you for one box instead of the 24 you are actually getting, but they won't let you do a simple exchange to get a different pair of sheets without your IRS statements for the last 3 years and your social security number. That whole thing was just the last straw.

I was in Target the other day getting school supplies. In the school supply section they had IPOD earphones. Hmm. As a teacher I can pretty much tell you that I don't know any school that has that on their supply list; furthermore, IPODs are a big no-no - at least at the places where I have taught and subbed. So, annoyed from that display of absurdity, I moved on to realize that Target hates me. I was strolling past the boxers when I saw a white pair that had "I 'heart symbol' 'various girls' names" listed in a nice row. So here is the kicker, they cross out some of the rows - they frickin' crossed out "I love Allison." What the heck did I do to Target that they think boys don't love me? Wait, is Target omniscient?

J.O.D. - I arrived at school today. No one had really told me a time, so I just kind of guessed and made it work. I got there and a half of an hour later the loudspeaker announces that we will have today to work in our classrooms instead of personal development and to come see the principal if there are any questions. I look down at my heels and sweater to realize that this day is going to suck because I am in heels and a sweater for preparing my room (which will basically be a sauna and I was supposed to be sitting all day - hence the heels!). So, I make my way to the principal's office to ask if I can see the schedule (to know what I am teaching) and to confirm that I will be in the same room. Let me give you the conversation.

"Hi. So can you tell me what classes that I am teaching so I can start to plan?"

"There is a proposal, but we haven't finished it completely."

"Okay, will I be in the same room?"

"Well, there is a possibility that you will be moving."

"So, what do you envision for us to be doing?" (NOTE: The instructions over the loudspeaker were to set up our classrooms, if I don't know where my classroom is, I can't set it up.)

"Well, you should be working on your lesson plans."

Me with a look of complete befuddled. "Okay." (Does anyone see a problem with those instructions?")

After a few hours of "working on lesson plans," the principal came with the new room locations. Still don't know for sure what I am teaching, but at least I now know where I am moving all of my stuff - if only I knew what curriculum to move.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Veronica Mars is the best

Well I have managed to finally get out of my bed - I spent the last week pretty much laying in bed and watching the three seasons of Veronica Mars. It was a wonderful, relaxing time to keep me from thinking, and those of those who know me know what I was avoiding thinking about.

I have a lot to say about VM since I watched almost all of the episodes twice, but the main thing that I have decided is that I love bad boys - Logan is the best. Alright, Derek is greatly hindering my typing so I have to be done.