Friday, October 26, 2007

Addendum - especially for Tommy

I just wanted to clear something up since Tommy thinks I am a skank. I was going to write and assure you all that Megan wasn't the one with the mug shot, but she took care of that in the comment section, though I had a great laugh at her comment's lack of clarity. Let me give a little bit of background, due to multiple jobs, and always being in transit, I could, at some times in my life, live out of my car.

So, I guess everyone doesn't know my bra, panties and officer story. I was on my way to work one day when I passed a police officer pulled over to the side, watching a four-way stop. At the stop sign, I gave significant pause. (I have no luck at all with the police. In fact, for the longest time, just as my ticket and points would clear for the year, I would get pulled over again.) As I pull through the intersection, the lights go on. About 20 yards after the intersection, I pull over and get out my license, totally not understanding what I could have done wrong. Did I pause too long? The officer comes up and I hand him my license. He asks me if I know why he pulled me over, and I said no. "Your plates are expired. Can I see your registration?"

"Officer, my plates aren't expired, I just forgot to put the sticker on." Like I am going to freeze my butt off in December putting on a little sticker? No way, granted I should have gotten around to it before August. I reach for my glove compartment and pull out my registration and the little sticker that should have been put on my plate 8 months ago. The thing is, my glove compartment is like my mother's purse - you can find everything in there. So, before I can get to the registration, I have dig out sunglasses, deodorant, and the infamous bra and panties.

As I hand the officer my registration, he grins at me. It suddenly dawns on me that I have sent a pair of undies and my bra flying, a little embarrassed at his smile, I am further humiliated by his comment, "You're prepared." (Or it was something to that extent, it was over a year ago, and I try to suppress embarrassing moments. Jen, do you remember what I told you he said?)

He goes to his squad car, and I shove everything back in my glove compartment. He returns, "You're plates are registered, you are fine to go, only if you promise me you will put on the sticker."

"I will put the sticker on as soon as I get to work."

I got to work, unscrewed the plastic cover, and put on the sticker.


mjonthemove said...

I was actually very confused. Thanks for clearing up that you are not some odd voyeur cop flasher.

Anonymous said...

i could hear that story a million times and its still as funny as the first time i heard it. it sort of also reminds me of the time that your mom suggested i keep a dead bee in a ziploc baggie in my glovebox so that i could pull it out when i got pulled over and blame my driving on the bee.

Unknown said...

I agree that is a great story no matter how many times you hear it...and see it written out. =)

And Just Me's comment is hilarious too! A dead bee in the glove compartment - I can so hear your mom suggesting that one. =)

Christensen 5 said...

I wish I remember his exact words but it still is hysterical. You were so mortified telling us the story which made it that much better!