Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Horrible Pictures

I have had some horrible pictures in my day. For instance, I am thrilled that my passport is to expire next year because my picture looks as if someone blew my face up with a bellows. I have had to use that passport for nearly a decade now, and every time I go anywhere I am dismayed at how tragic a photo it truly is. I mean all over the world I have been seen as "that girl with the obnoxiously fat face, you know, the one who looks like she was an animated character in a sinus commercial."

I don't know if it was how I did my hair that day (I will admit to being vain, I had intentionally curled my hair that day in hopes of having a good picture, maybe my vanity was the reason the universe gave me a horrible picture), the shirt I wore, my fat face or what weird mixture of the above made the photo so horrendous. But there it is, thankfully it will be rectified next year.

Then there is my dmv photo. My hair in uncurled, but somehow, my face is still fat. In addition, my head is tilted, like Lucky would do when we used a high voice. So, not only is it bad enough that they ask you your weight, but then as you are still reflecting whether you should have lied or not, snap, your fate is determined for the next 8 years. 8 years. 2014 - maybe I'll mysteriously lose my license (no, I am way too cheap to pay for a replacement). Quickie marriage? I should probably just deal with the bad photo. Compounded with that, you only have to show your license in some really uncool situations i.e. when the police officer pulls you over and before you know it, he has seen your bra, panties, and horrible picture.

All these thoughts on bad pictures began when I saw the mug shot of someone I knew. Why is it that like the dmv and passport photos, one needs to be totally demoralized at this juncture? Like getting arrested isn't bad enough, you also have to get a picture for the whole world to see that makes you look like you don't know where the camera is. I mean what do the police do, wake you up in the middle of the night for your picture, hoping to get you looking like you are stoned? Or maybe they say, "One, Two, Look Lost and Don't Smile." Click.


Tom said...

If I were in your position, I would be more embarrassed for not wearing enough clothing rather than my fat-face picture.

Anonymous said...

i got my school pictures back today. not good.
the picture from the extradition hearing was not as bad.

Anonymous said...

i guess i did word that last post poorly. i am not facing any charges. but, somebody is facing charges. and that person's extradition hearing shot turned out better than that individual's mug shot. (it must be the lighting)

Unknown said...

Ha ha! I loved your thoughts on passport and dmv photos =) It really is a shame when you get stuck with a bad one. I just had to get my passport renewed so had to get my pic taken...and wasn't particularly pleased either. And now I'm stuck with it. So I feel your pain.