Sunday, October 7, 2007

Where is fall?

I am really bitter about the weather. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am. My sister called to complain the other day that it was in the 40’s and 50’s. I long for those temperatures. I am sorry, but it is not right to have 80-degree days in October. Now is the time when I should be happy that I only have to wear a long sleeve shirt instead of the impending long sleeve shirt and sweater. I should be in eager anticipation of the leaves changing color instead of contemplating putting on the air conditioning. I should be waking up shivering as a cool breeze flows over my bed instead of hoping my fan will keep me from sweating under a thin sheet. I really want to start wearing my fall wardrobe, I am sick of my short sleeve shirts. My mother was incredulous the other day when I was in a cardigan on the nearly 90-degree day. But really, what else can I do when the weather is being so obstinate? I wanted to wear a sweater.


Christensen 5 said...

Wanna switch climates? It is 50 and raining- again. Mike (not me) broke down and turned on the heat. On the bright side, the leaves are gorgeous reds and oranges.

Anonymous said...

i woke up sweaty. that did not make me happy this morning.

Unknown said...

I SOOO identify with everything you said! My thoughts exactly...except at least you have the HOPE of fall weather in WI. Here in El Paso, we really can't even hope until late Nov. But I will say that the early mornings and late evenings have been cooling off, so I need to just be thankful for that. =) And I, too, am wearing a long-sleeved shirt today just because I must. So we're turning on the AC.

Anonymous said...

Last weekend was one of the best fall/summer weekends of all time. It is one you bank on in March when you are begging for winter to be done. I did put on the jeans and a long sleeve shirt for school just because, so I definitely identify with you. Stay well