Monday, December 24, 2007

A Different Sort of Christmas Eve

Luckers woke me up at 2 A.M.  Like any good aunt, I took her out, while upstairs I was utterly bewildered to see that Mike and Jen's door was open.  The little one tinkled, then we headed back downstairs to my bed.  A few hours later, she woke up again, so we headed back upstairs. While Lucky was out, I headed towards the bathroom, on my way there, I see that my parents' bedroom door is open.  My dad starts talking to me, so I head into his room.  There where my mom should be is an empty space.  "Where's mom?" 

"Oh, they went to the hospital in the middle of the night, but they woke you up to see if you wanted to go."  Now, I know that I am a sound sleeper, but I thought that I would at least remember to wake up and recognize or at least recall a few hours later that my sister was in labor.  I mean, really, what kind of a sister am I that just doesn't even recall her sister going into labor.  

After feeding the doggies and taking them on an extra long walk (I code named the walk operation exhaust the doggies so that they don't get into trouble while Jen is in labor), my dad and I headed in the minivan to the hospital.  Next conquest, the GPS program, I was told by my mother that it was programmed into the system . . . it wasn't.  Mike and Jen had previously pointed to the hospital on one of our expeditions, so I just winged it and got to the hospital - and the right entrance - with no wrong turns.

After a couple of hours and some cards, that little boy is a little bit too big, so my sister is having a C-section.  I have experienced my mom and dad having major surgeries, but never my sister, it isn't a cool feeling at all.  I hate the feeling of not being in control and being unable to "do" anything.  The anticipation and queasy feeling every time the door opens is discombobulating.  Just waiting as the minutes tick by, with no one telling you anything, just frustrates me.

So, I guess Multnomah Falls is off of the itinerary for the day.  Pray for my sister, Mike, the baby, the recovery and that the doggies (who am I kidding, I mean Lucky) are extra good during the next few weeks as everyone adjusts. 

1 comment:

Jill Phillips said...

What trauma for you! Thanks again for your excellent blogging. I just checked Mike & Jen's site and saw the good news ... but didn't learn about the c-section until I read yours. (Man, she looks really good for having had surgery!) Congratulations, Auntie Alli -Jilly