Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

The world (at least around me) looks like a Winter Wonderland. It has been snowing all day, not a blinding and bustling type of snow, but a slow, steady encroachment on the ground. Earlier when I looked outside, there were the biggest flakes I had ever seen. Now, outside of my window looks like a snow globe or a stereotypical picture of what snow is supposed to look like. It is beautiful. The pine trees’ boughs are laden, everything is newly white, and mounds of snow awaiting children in hats, mittens and scarves abound everywhere one looks.


Christensen 5 said...

Is encroachment the word of the day? The snow sounds beautiful!

AL said...

You punk, no encroachment isn't the word of the day, I thought it would just sound good there

Unknown said...

Encroachment does sound good there, I agree =) And I'm jealous of your winter wonderland...my hopes for such a wonderland in MI this Christmas are looking quite good, as it apparently has been snowing most days for the last couple of weeks! Yippee!

Anonymous said...

elizabeth, i don't want to burst your bubble, but its only snowy in mi up north (which is i think all you need). but, down here in g-raggidy, its just slushy everywhere. and, due to the over exposure grand rapidians have to snow, its impossible to eke out a snow day.

Unknown said...

Just me, thanks for the heads up =) I actually will be going far up north for Christmas (all the way to Petoskey), so hopefully I'll still see some of the fluffy white stuff! That's unfortunate about the slushy junk in GR though...that's the worst.