Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

My lack of sleep of late hasn't been due to the 4 month old upstairs, but due to the 12 and 4 year old.  The latter two have been sharing my bed.  Not only do they take up a lot of space, they are hairy and make me so hot.  Plus, they lick my face all the time.
Utterly exhausted, I went upstairs to find my sister in bed with the baby, so I just threw myself on the end of the bed and asked if maybe I took a W if they would leave me alone.   I put on swishy pants and the dogs went crazy.  We headed out and took a long walk.  Once home, all three of us felt better.

Derek had started chatting while his mommy was vacuuming, so I went in to pick him up from his nap.  I noticed he was substantially heavier than usual.  I asked his mommy if he needed a change and she said yes.  So, we went to the changing table as Jen came in.  I opened up the diaper and Jen told me I would probably just want to leave because it was disgusting.  All week we have been planning a bath, so now seemed like a perfect time since he was covered.  So, since we put the diaper in the pail, I grabbed the naked one and headed for the sink.  Jen told me all week that I was being brave in my lack of covering Derek while changing him, I thought she was just supporting the urban myth that babies pee on you.  

Derek and I were patiently waiting by the sink when I all of a sudden was feeling warmth on my tummy.  I stuck Derek over the sink, and he stopped peeing.  So, I held him close again while telling Jen that I had been peed on.  Derek thought it was so cute, he went for Round 2.  I was soaked, but I couldn't put him down, we weren't ready with the bath!

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