Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Fore

I saw a really funny sight this morning on my way to work. I love Wisconsin because there is wildlife and civilization close at hand, and today was no exception. As I drove past the golf course, I saw a lone golfer out on the course getting some practice. The thing I saw next made me laugh out loud for the next few minutes. Golfer on one part of the course, a turkey madly running on the other part. It was just so odd to see both. I have seen golfers and turkeys there, but never co-existing. Maybe turkeys are into life-long sports.

1 comment:

Christensen 5 said...

Every time I read this I laugh. I miss turkeys! They are just so fun. Will you please have them out for when Derek comes so he can see them?