Monday, June 9, 2008

Paranoid Daydreams

I have been going to a different church for the last few months. It has been an adjustment since I struggle to concentrate before I started attending the two hour services. Yesterday, in one of my moments of drifting off, I noticed a reddish blemish on my arm. I started inspecting it and couldn't figure it out.

I had never noticed it before, and since I had totally fried my body in the sun the day before, I started to wonder if it could be cancer. My next thoughts were naturally wondering about if I should go to the doctor. But I don't have a doctor, and realistically, my insurance is crap. I mean it basically just is catastrophe insurance, which cancer would be, but was the blemish really cancerous? While all of this was flying at a high pace and bouncing off the walls of my head, I realized that now on top of being cancerous, the blemish itched. The itch became unbearable, I really had no idea what was going on in the sermon. I just needed to scratch it, so I could contemplate having a horrible itchy cancer another day. Having scratched it, I began to refocus on the sermon, but then I looked back to my arm - the cancer was growing. I then realized that instead of having cancer, I was just a paranoid, unfocused person with one of the first signs of summer: a mosquito bite.

1 comment:

just me said...

I've been having paranoid pregnant night dreams lately...