Thursday, April 30, 2009

Be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi

Last night I went to Call and Response, and my head is still reeling. For those who don’t know what Call and Response is, it is a movie of performances given to end slavery; the slavery that exists in the cocoa, sugar, cotton, and sex industries of the 21st century.

The following is just some comments or quotes regarding the film.

First I encourage you to to watch the film or check out the website As one of the men interviewed said, “We are stuck between oblivion and paralysis.” We don’t know the need, and then when we do, we don’t know how we can change something that is a catastrophic and gargantuan problem. One step towards fixing the problem is acknowledging it, and no one really wants to be oblivious.

The movie is supported by some very influential names. Another quote from the movie was from Ashley Judd, “I don’t want to wear someone’s despair.” Basically she is asking if your $5 t-shirt is the result of someone’s slavery.

Finally, since the movie revolved around musical performances, another important quote given, I believe by an individual who had been enslaved as a child soldier, was: “Music is the only thing that can enter the mind and heart without permission.” These musicians have decided to use their gifts to try and change the world. It was very interesting to hear some of the songs that were birthed out of the movement to try and give this issue a voice; songs that have such a deeper and more incredible meaning than their good acoustics and presence on the billboard charts.

I know this is not nearly as articulate as it should be, but this issue is hard to process and I wanted to at least articulate my immediate reaction.

As the movie says, “You’ve heard the Call, now be the Response.”

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