Sunday, October 25, 2009

Daddy and Me

My mom is out of town visiting my sister. So, it is my dad and me. This is always interesting as my dad left to his own devices can sometimes really worry me.

Every Sunday afternoon involves Packer games and sub sandwiches. My dad called me this morning asking for my order. Now, my order is sometimes a little bit involved: my mom though has it down. So, when my dad called, I decided to get something different than usual so that it would be easier and I would get the right sub. After I gave him my order, he asked me the sweetest question: No mayo right?

Okay, this may seem like no big deal, but I hate mayo and I ordered a sandwich that didn't contain mayo so that it would be easier for my dad. And it just seemed like the sweetest thing in the world for him to remember my pickiness in my order.

Friday, October 9, 2009

JOD - Communication

Yesterday we sent a letter home to the parents about the upcoming trip for students. On the note, it said there was a meeting that night at the school to discuss the trip. The kicker, the letter had the previous day's date.

Quote of the day:

Miss Isler: (to student sitting on the ground reading her book in the bathroom) Kab, what are you doing?

Kab: My partner is peeing.

This is what happens when you have to go to the bathroom with a partner.

Yesterday's quote of the day:

Girl Student: Miss Isler are your eyelashes real?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Quick Break from Lesson Planning

In the midst of planning for my next week (how will I endure a five-day week?!?), I started looking for a George Orwell quote that I recalled about being enslaved to enslaving others. So I headed to the internet and was sidetracked instead by his other quotes:

Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.

Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.

Comments? I am just laughing at how true these are.

Monday, August 31, 2009

JOD - Class Lists

Is it important for the teacher to know who is going to be in her class. Apparantly not. I have only seen a class list for two of my classes. The reason I saw the list is because they are not splitting the class. Otherwise, I have no idea who is in what class. Tomorrow will be chaos!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

JOD - Classroom Set up

I was told I could set my classroom up any way I wanted. I spent the morning figuring out the best way to maintain discipline and allow all students to see.

A few hours later, an administrator told me I had to set it up in a different way utilizing all 14 tables and 53 chairs in a u-configuration because my classroom would be used three nights a week for meetings. Getting help from others, I reconfigure my whole classroom again.

A few hours later, another administrator talked to the person using the room at night and learned that they only needed 25 chairs. They still needed the u-configuration - just less tables. I took a little while before leaving for a friend's house to start the third set-up of my room.

Day wasn't bad enough - absolutely not, had to get into a fender bender where the other driver just kept on going.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Alias and the Bible, My Hatred for Target, and J.O.D.

I know I haven't written in a long time, and I am going to go back and post things regarding my vacation and the craziness of my job - I think I will entitle all my job related entries J.O.D. - jackassery of the day). However, I acknowledge some of that might not be coming as soon as I would want, so I am going to do a quick post on other things before it leaves my mind.

I have been sucked into watching tv series on dvd due to recommendations from my friends. I just started watching Alias. I have watched most of the series from when it was actually on t.v., but I know that I missed at least the first season since I was out of the country. I am now realizing how much I missed not seeing the first season, concepts from the show are becoming a lot clearer now that I have the underpinnings; I am starting to see the big picture. It made me think about the Bible, sometimes I think I don't get all of it because I am not Jewish - like it would be clearer if I had understood the first season, but I can't/don't because I don't have that background. It also made me understand how others don't have the complete picture because they haven't watched all of the seasons. I know that as an analogy it is a stretch, but it makes complete sense to me; it also makes me really glad that I decided to watch LOST from the beginning and not jump in the middle of the series - though it is problematic given all of the promos when you are still seasons behind)

Why I hate Target. The idiocy of the place just gets on my nerves. They will charge you for one box instead of the 24 you are actually getting, but they won't let you do a simple exchange to get a different pair of sheets without your IRS statements for the last 3 years and your social security number. That whole thing was just the last straw.

I was in Target the other day getting school supplies. In the school supply section they had IPOD earphones. Hmm. As a teacher I can pretty much tell you that I don't know any school that has that on their supply list; furthermore, IPODs are a big no-no - at least at the places where I have taught and subbed. So, annoyed from that display of absurdity, I moved on to realize that Target hates me. I was strolling past the boxers when I saw a white pair that had "I 'heart symbol' 'various girls' names" listed in a nice row. So here is the kicker, they cross out some of the rows - they frickin' crossed out "I love Allison." What the heck did I do to Target that they think boys don't love me? Wait, is Target omniscient?

J.O.D. - I arrived at school today. No one had really told me a time, so I just kind of guessed and made it work. I got there and a half of an hour later the loudspeaker announces that we will have today to work in our classrooms instead of personal development and to come see the principal if there are any questions. I look down at my heels and sweater to realize that this day is going to suck because I am in heels and a sweater for preparing my room (which will basically be a sauna and I was supposed to be sitting all day - hence the heels!). So, I make my way to the principal's office to ask if I can see the schedule (to know what I am teaching) and to confirm that I will be in the same room. Let me give you the conversation.

"Hi. So can you tell me what classes that I am teaching so I can start to plan?"

"There is a proposal, but we haven't finished it completely."

"Okay, will I be in the same room?"

"Well, there is a possibility that you will be moving."

"So, what do you envision for us to be doing?" (NOTE: The instructions over the loudspeaker were to set up our classrooms, if I don't know where my classroom is, I can't set it up.)

"Well, you should be working on your lesson plans."

Me with a look of complete befuddled. "Okay." (Does anyone see a problem with those instructions?")

After a few hours of "working on lesson plans," the principal came with the new room locations. Still don't know for sure what I am teaching, but at least I now know where I am moving all of my stuff - if only I knew what curriculum to move.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Veronica Mars is the best

Well I have managed to finally get out of my bed - I spent the last week pretty much laying in bed and watching the three seasons of Veronica Mars. It was a wonderful, relaxing time to keep me from thinking, and those of those who know me know what I was avoiding thinking about.

I have a lot to say about VM since I watched almost all of the episodes twice, but the main thing that I have decided is that I love bad boys - Logan is the best. Alright, Derek is greatly hindering my typing so I have to be done.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cancelling Mother's Day

I must admit that I love my family to death; they may drive me crazy, but the love is there.

One of the things I love about our family is our ability to bicker and joke - in ways that would horrify most other people.

My parents are great at bickering. They crack me up. And even though they bicker, I know that they genuinely love and like one another. The last bickering event was last night when I was at my parents' house for family dinner. I was told at the table that since I was getting a free meal, I would be responsible for settling a matter of dispute between the two. My dad begins immediately about how that sounds like my mom and I are ganging up on him (poor paranoid little man) and how I have to be neutral.

A little background: I hate conflict. As soon as my sister left for college, I became the deciding vote since I became the third vote, before then, my dad was usually completely overruled or there was a tie. Since I didn't want to disappoint anyone or take sides, I became Switzerland. Whenever my parents had contrary viewpoints, I told them that I was a neutral - a characteristic that my parents always reference (especially if they think that me voting might go against their desire).

We decided that both options would be presented to me in the fashion of would you prefer this or that. I mean we were talking some serious landscape light placement issues - the fate of the world depended on it. We go outside with a friendly reminder from each of my parents. My father told me he would kick my butt if I didn't agree with his choice, and my mom told me I wouldn't get dessert if I agreed with my father (not much of a deterrent since I had already snacked on three brownies and a bag of chips before dinner). So, I was presented with the two choices, not technically knowing who wanted what option excepting the fact that I know how my parents think. So, I sided with my mom (because we didn't need our landscaping lit up like an airport) and my dad started mumbling about the conspiracy.

Another aspect of bickering in my family is when my mom and I play games. We are bad. We accuse each other of cheating, purposely thwarting our plans just to be mean, and just all out trash talking back and forth. It is so bad, that the other day my dad said that we weren't allowed to play anymore if we were going to always be fighting.

Finally, the joke that everyone would be horrified, and in actuality, I kind of feel bad about this one. Last night for family dinner we had Italian sausages. Now, in my family, when we have certain meals, you can expect certain things to be part of the meal. If we have brats, there will be sauerkraut, baked beans, and corn in summer; if we have Italian sausage, there will be hot pepper rings, salad and mozzarella. Well, we were getting all the food out and my dad goes, "Where are the peppers?"

Large moment of silence as my mom has a questioning look on her face saying: Did we run out of peppers, oh no!

I see the look and ask, "Is Mother's Day going to be cancelled?" (I take my Italian sausage meal seriously, especially when my mom has been talking it up for the last month). Thankfully, tragedy was averted when we found the jar, and my mom has now decided that she will always keep a spare bottle at home.

We were laughing my reaction when my mom tells me that my dad suggested we go to a buffet for mother's day and was reading the list of food they would have. My mom told my dad she was interested in the buffet. He replied, "So it matters what your choice is?"

My mother, never devoid of spice" retorts, "No, not if it doesn't matter we go where you would like to go for Father's Day. My father was silent, probably because my mom has threatened eating McDonalds for Sunday lunch for all my life.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi

Last night I went to Call and Response, and my head is still reeling. For those who don’t know what Call and Response is, it is a movie of performances given to end slavery; the slavery that exists in the cocoa, sugar, cotton, and sex industries of the 21st century.

The following is just some comments or quotes regarding the film.

First I encourage you to to watch the film or check out the website As one of the men interviewed said, “We are stuck between oblivion and paralysis.” We don’t know the need, and then when we do, we don’t know how we can change something that is a catastrophic and gargantuan problem. One step towards fixing the problem is acknowledging it, and no one really wants to be oblivious.

The movie is supported by some very influential names. Another quote from the movie was from Ashley Judd, “I don’t want to wear someone’s despair.” Basically she is asking if your $5 t-shirt is the result of someone’s slavery.

Finally, since the movie revolved around musical performances, another important quote given, I believe by an individual who had been enslaved as a child soldier, was: “Music is the only thing that can enter the mind and heart without permission.” These musicians have decided to use their gifts to try and change the world. It was very interesting to hear some of the songs that were birthed out of the movement to try and give this issue a voice; songs that have such a deeper and more incredible meaning than their good acoustics and presence on the billboard charts.

I know this is not nearly as articulate as it should be, but this issue is hard to process and I wanted to at least articulate my immediate reaction.

As the movie says, “You’ve heard the Call, now be the Response.”

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I usually don't laugh at students - but this was hilarious

Today in my literature class we started The Scarlet Letter. It is always interesting to introduce the book that deals with guilt, secret sin, forgiveness, and love. I haven't taught the book for three years, and I have never taught the book in a non-Christian setting.

It was an interesting first day. I think I gave some of my students mini heart attacks when I told them to write down their deepest, darkest secret and I pulled one out to read. Shook my head and said, "That's interesting." I later told them that it was a blank one I had planted, but they were sufficiently freaked and only started breathing easier when the papers were in the trash and I threw papers that I had been amassing over the last few weeks on top.

As part of the book, we needed to talk about the definition of adultery and what is considered adultery. One of my students is a little bit airy sometimes, no joke, today he raised his hand and when I called on him, he said, "Wait, I am still processing my question." The boy cracks me up.
But that wasn't what he said that had me laughing for the rest of the day.

Forgive me, because I am not going to tell this perfectly, and you will not find it nearly as funny as I did, but I had just told the students that the Puritan belief was that you couldn't have sex with anyone other than your spouse. He raises his hand and says, "What if you were married?"

I replied, "Do you mean could you have sex when you're married? Head nod yes as a response. "Because, yeah you can," I answer as I and the whole class have burst out laughing. (Whatever was the actual question, he made it seem like he was asking if it was okay to have sex when you are married.)

He realized his mistake (and probably that his married parents had to have sex for him to be here) and said, "No, I didn't mean that."

"Did you mean is it adultery if a married person has sex with someone besides their spouse?" Head nod yes. "According to Puritan belief, if you had sex with anyone other than your spouse, it was wrong."

"Oh, that's what I thought."

I went on to the next activity and told him, "I know what you were meaning to ask, but I will be laughing the rest of the day about that."

Friday, April 10, 2009

Cleaning out my car is a feat. It is amazing what my car can all hold without really seeming to have much in it at all:

-two pairs of running shoes
-five maps of Wisconsin
-two rain jackets
-an umbrella
-a pair of snowshoe poles
-down jacket
-a set of dribbling cones
-pair of slippers
-2 batteries
-bottle of lotion
-stick of deoderant
-a 250 piece art kit
-a windbreaker
-lime potato chips
-a box of breakfast bars
-a bag of cookies
-a box of cheerios
-a pair of slipper socks
-a pair of pants
-two shirts
-a Bible
-two floppy disks
-a pair of socks
-kitty litter
-three snow and ice scrapers
-jumper cables
- a container of rescue

All this and I didn't even open my glove compartment!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The News

I don't often read the news, it sort of makes me frustrated, but there was an article that attracted my eye in one section of the paper, and so I perused the rest of the page and found this.

I now remember why I don't read the newspaper.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why I am in Charge?

Els asked me about how I got the job of helping create the library and some other particulars, so I thought I would just blog about it since it is very typical of the school.

On Monday, I received a note in my school mailbox telling me that some funds had been allocated to begin a high school library. First sidenote: The letter was dated the fifth of March, how does it not get to me until the 23rd??? The simple answer is probably that that is how long it took to get the letter approved.

So, I am in charge (by default of teaching at a small school). I am responsible for the Humanities portion of the library - Literature, Arts, Drama, etc. Second sidenote: I am in charge of art books? They obviously haven't realized that I am devoid of any artistic abilities. And as for drama, I have my moments, but again drama is not my forte.

I was given until next Friday - so a little over a week to create a humanities library. To decide what should be in a high school library, to find all of the books on the website (it is horrible, I have to basically type in each title), and to find out what art books to include I have a little over a week. Third sidenote: Are you joking me?

Final note: I just got called into the office and told that I have been chosen to be part of the school development plan. Not would you like to be part, but chosen. Man, being chosen for stuff, kind of sucks because now I have to figure out all my lesson plans. I hate missing school, there is so much extra work, especially when I am not even asked.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I have been given the task of setting up a high school library for the school I teach at. It is a rather daunting task as I want to have all sorts of books - not just the books that I enjoyed.

This is why I am going to the universe of the internet to get your help.

What were your favorite books in high school?
What are books that I need to have in the library?

These books can be an genre (as long as they are appropriate) and from any culture.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hmmm ... Point to Ponder

I teach in a school that is renting the building from a church. My room is the original chapel - stained class windows, altar, and all. So, as I grade I listen to music. The Pussycat Dolls just came on and while enjoying the song I wondered about how quickly the sacred can become common when we change the purpose of something and get used to it. I am still listening to Pandora, but it just struck me as odd . . . who is turning in their grave because the chapel they worked so hard to build now has Justin Timberlake's Rock Your Body playing?

P.S. Els, thanks for introducing me to Pandora; I love it!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where I Work

The story for today includes our technology at the school. I am the technology teacher for the 6th-9th graders at our school. This wasn't the best idea in the world considering my technological savvy, but oh well.

For the first few weeks of school, the only technology that I had for technology was pen, paper, my school computer, and an overhead. Eventually, there were laptops brought from the other campus, so we could actually use computers in technology class - amazing!

For second quarter, I had 37 students, but only 33 laptops. In addition, since we weren't connected to a network, the students couldn't save their work, so every day, I had to check all of their typing exercises page by page to see if they were doing the exercises.

Last week I get a call from the assistant administrator asking if I would be willing to do a college and career exploration on the internet with my students during the new semester of technology class. I was more than willing, but cited the fact that we only have one internet access point in my room, as a deterrent to such a plan. The assistant administrator didn't know that we still didn't have the internet as a viable option at this campus.

In a frenzy of activity, it is decided that my room needs to be wireless compatible (something that was all ready to go as of the first few weeks of school but never completed) since I will now have the freshman for technology. In the quest to get my room to be wireless capable, all the IP addresses have to change, so for most of the week, internet and printing is down. As a teacher it is kind of difficult to not be able to print all of your lesson plans and handouts for students. But I guess I just expect a little bit too much.

Anyways, the whirlwind of activity is about to subside as the router is up, and many of the laptops are internet ready. I have wireless and printing capabilities, I went into the office in a state of euphoria. Do you know how much time a week I will save not having to walk across the room, plug in my laptop, pray that the connection and printer work. Now my only question is, did they set the laptops up to print? Maybe I am just a dreamer. But I am typing right now at my desk, life is blissful.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where I Work - Story of the Day

There were a great many stories that could be included in my hopefully more frequent column entitled "Where I Work", but this one takes the cake - or should I say cookie?

Our school is divided in two - an upper and lower campus. Today's story comes from the lower school. Everyone can remember the beloved snack times of elementary school. Today was no exception. One of the kindergarten classes (I believe) was having snack time. The student chose to bring in some cookies filled with a unique Asian fruit. The story gets better when one learns that this fruit is known across the Asian world for its horrible smell, so legendary that the guy on the cable show who eats everything spit it out due to the smell.

The students are enjoying the cookies, but the smell is beginning to permeate the classroom, the hallways, and soon, the whole school. The cookies are so offensive in the smell that concerned parties begin to think there is a gas leak. Gas company is called in, the school is evacuated.

After determining there is no gas leak, just the smell of the cookies, the children return to their classrooms; unfortunately, for the kindergarten classroom, the smell is now beginning to permeate from the children.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Maybe I Should Be Teaching Technology

One of the classes I teach at school is Technology. This is said tongue-in-cheek, as is the fact that some of my co-workers come to me as the technology expert. I am probably one of the least technologically advance people my age that I know.

But today as I went to the library and managed to get my laptop connected with their Wi-Fi, I had a great feeling of accomplishment as I managed to do it on my own without asking anyone for help - plus it only took me a few minutes. Now many of you are thinking, How stupid is she?

Very stupid, I admit it (I just spent the last ten minutes laughing with a friend because I thought a school reunion was on a whole different continent than it was). Until today I had never really cared about trying to reach the internet from anywhere but school. And to be factual, my computer plugs into the network connection at school. I have only used the Wi-Fi access once on my computer - the other week when I was at the other school site. So, with this said, this is pretty impressive, but also really sad since I got the wireless blocker taken off my computer back in October - I have been pretty busy.

Well, wherever you are, enjoy your technology and hopefully more warmth than we have here in Wisconsin (I mean two cold days in a row, I am going to go crazy!)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Love Food

Okay, this should come as a surprise to no one, but I really love food. My students know this - I think they are amazed that I am not fatter than I am because they always see me eating. This week has been a good culinary week. I had Greek, Italian, Mexican, German, and good ole American food. It has been a good eating week (my pants wouldn't agree), but with it being so cold, what else is there to do?